TERRE DE LIN is definitely focused towards the downstream of the linen sector, willing to integrate in a supply chain striving for creating value and for innovation.
TERRE DE LIN is involved in different professional organizations and is also a partner to the downstream of the linen industry.

The European Linen and Hemp Community (CELC) is the unique European organization gathering all the actors of the linen and hemp sector from the culture to the end product.
The CELC launched the European Flax brand , a label for premium quality flax for all markets and Masters of Linen, a club of companies that chose a 100% European traceability.

This association is made of industrial companies, technical offices, technical centers and higher education institutes. It targets to develop an agro industrial processing industry based on technical flax.
Terre de Lin en est l’un des 6 membres fondateurs.

The union federation of flax scutching mills (La Fédération Syndicale du Teillage Agricole du Lin), gathers and represents the flax cooperatives. Their mission is to inform the cooperatives, to lead, federate and represent the sector.
TERRE DE LIN is adherent to the FESTAL.

The main mission of the GNIS is to represent the seeds sector. The organization focuses on ensuring the supply and the quality of the seeds. They also make sure to keep the productions competitive and at the same time to protect plant breeder rights.
TERRE DE LIN belongs to the flax section of the GNIS. As such, the cooperative has been involved in the charter of flax seeds masters, that defend quality seeds.
Bleu Blanc Coeur

Bleu Blanc cœur was originally an association whose objective was to promote an agriculture targeting to improve people’s health.
Its leitmotiv was the following : so as to develop a healthy food , cultures and the health of the animals have to be managed. Flax has been identified as one of the main sources of omega 3.
TERRE DE LIN adheres to the bleu blanc cœur association.

Arvalis-Institut du Végétal is the reference French technical institute for field crop cultures. Thanks to a network of engineers and experts present all over the territory, ARVALIS contributes to improve the competitivity of the farms, to open markets and to improve the profitability of the productions, of the production chains and to satisfy the consumers.
TERRE DE LIN takes part regularly to experiments so as to improve crop management practices, develop a responsible use of inputs etc…